
Development strategy


The strategy involves the creation of an industry,
COMPETITIVE in foreign markets and producing high-tech products based on Russian developments. The Russian industry of composite materials (CM) and organoplastics based on continuous rock fibers (NVG) should occupy a dominant position in the domestic market of CM, which is critical for ensuring national security, technological and economic development.

The first stage, defined by 2021-2023, is the beginning of experimental and industrial production of continuous fibers from rocks (NVG), at a new technological level and involves the emergence of new types of fibers from rocks. The increase in the share of composite materials (CM) and organoplastics produced in Russia in the domestic market is mainly due to the technical re-equipment of existing enterprises (closed and idle enterprises of the continuous and staple glass fiber industry) for the production of NVG.

The first stage is also a preparatory stage for promotion to foreign markets. For him, it is planned to refine technologies, proposals for products and services, and review the nature of investments in the direction of their diversification. Bringing industry standards in line with international requirements, developing national standards with subsequent transformation into international ones.

The second stage, which covers the period 2022-2025, will be marked by an increased presence of Russian composite products and organoplastics from NVG on the markets. Expansion into new international markets.

Comprehensive offers, partner programs with foreign participants, and scaling of investments are acceptable here.

At the third stage - 2023-2026 the industry is projected to grow steadily with leading positions in promising markets. Ensuring global technological leadership.